Arun Venkataraman | Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and Director General of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service

Joint Statement By U.S. Assistant Secretary For Global Markets Arun Venkataraman And United Arab Emirates Minister Of State For Artificial Intelligence His Excellency Omar Al Olama

Following a meeting on the importance of data connectivity, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and Director General of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service Arun Venkataraman and United Arab Emirates Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications His Excellency Omar Al Olama made the following joint statement:

“The United States and the United Arab Emirates recognize that the ability to aggregate, store, process and safely transmit data across borders is critical to the development of the digital economy, digital trade and innovation. 

“The accelerating digitization of the modern global economy and the increasing use of technology to supply services can offer a range of benefits, including empowering workers and consumers, enhancing risk management capabilities and increasing innovation and economic growth. These developments also pose new challenges for policymakers and regulators. The United States and the United Arab Emirates are committed to working together and with other countries to promote a digital economy that empowers individuals, including through strong and effective privacy protections, and fosters connectivity and development.

“The United States and the United Arab Emirates recognize the economic and social benefits of ensuring robust data protections, and enforcement of those protections, while promoting interoperable mechanisms that facilitate cross-border data transfers across economies with different regulatory regimes. Recognizing that our governments may take different regulatory approaches to protecting personal data, we intend to pursue innovative mechanisms to bridge our regulatory differences, promote compatibility and explore interoperability, including through mechanisms modeled after the Cross Border Privacy Rules system. We intend to continue to share information on international frameworks and mechanisms that facilitate the transfer of personal data, and data privacy best practices to promote interoperability between our two privacy regimes. 

“Based on this shared understanding, the United States and the United Arab Emirates intend to promote adoption and implementation of policies and rules in our bilateral and multilateral economic relationships to help ensure that mechanisms such as certifications are available for cross-border data transfers when necessary or appropriate. The United States and the United Arab Emirates also intend to share information on developments related to these issues.  

“The United States and the United Arab Emirates issue this joint statement without prejudice to their rights and obligations arising from the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO). For greater certainty, this joint statement does not create binding obligations under domestic or international law.” 

Original source can be found here

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