NNSA releases annual performance reviews of management and operations partners

Business Etiquette | Mikhail Nilov (Pexels)

NNSA releases annual performance reviews of management and operations partners


Today the National Nuclear Security Administration announced the FY 2022 results of the performance of its Managing and Operating (M&O) partners in meeting NNSA’s performance expectations. The results can be found in NNSA’s Performance Evaluation Summaries posted on NNSA’s website.

The summaries feature an easy-to-read and transparent assessment scorecard for each lab, plant, and site assessment, and include links to NNSA’s performance goals, called the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plans. Redacted versions of the full Performance Evaluation Reports can be found in NNSA’s FOIA Reading Room.

Each fiscal year, NNSA completes an assessment of M&O partner effectiveness in meeting the performance expectations established in their annual Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plans, as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 16.4, which outlines expectations for administering award-fee type incentive contracts. This is the type of contract in place between NNSA and its M&O partners. FAR Part 16 requires establishment of an award-fee plan that identifies evaluation criteria that are linked to acquisition objectives that must be defined in terms of contract cost, schedule, and technical performance.

Below are the links to each M&O partner page. The Performance Evaluation Summaries linked from these pages summarize the accomplishments and challenges NNSA's partners faced over the past years. The full assessment of the partners’ performance is found in Performance Evaluation Reports, which are linked above. The yearly evaluation process is an important aspect of NNSA’s contract management and is designed to ensure that U.S. Government's needs are met by providing a clear set of goals and year-end assessment of progress.

The M&O contract at the Savannah River Site includes work for both NNSA and the DOE Office of Environmental Management (EM). The Savannah River Site Performance Evaluation Summary reflects work performance only for NNSA. DOE EM can provide additional information regarding the performance for its work scope.

Original source can be found here.


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