Congressional Western Caucus: 2023 Farm Bill should focus on 'programs that work well and are proven effective'

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The 100-member Congressional Western Caucus wants to ensure that conservation programs for farmers remain voluntary. | Richard Bell / Unsplash

Congressional Western Caucus: 2023 Farm Bill should focus on 'programs that work well and are proven effective'

The 2023 Farm Bill must ensure that conservation programs remain voluntary, with needed flexibility for the unique needs of the different regions throughout the country, the 100-member Congressional Western Caucus said in a publication outlining its priorities, released on May 18.

The legislation should be focused on programs that work well and are proven effective – rather than siphoning funding and technical staff for unproven climate projects, the group said.

The caucus also said the bill should ensure "that conservation practices are not tied to crop insurance policies because a one-sized-fits-all approach will disrupt the tailored method already reflected in current crop insurance policies.”

The 100 members of the caucus represent diverse congressional districts across the United States, each with distinct agricultural practices and requirements. The caucus members are unified in their objective to promote a thriving farm economy that contributes to rural prosperity and meets the food, fiber, and fuel needs of urban areas.      

The Farm Bill encompasses comprehensive, multiyear policies that cover a wide range of areas including agricultural commodities, crop insurance, conservation, forest health, agriculture research, and domestic and international food aid programs. As a legislative measure typically renewed every five years, the Farm Bill has a lasting impact on agriculture policy, shaping the sector's direction and initiatives for multiple years. Congress is already working to draft a new, five-year Farm Bill with congressional hearings underway to determine priorities for the reauthorization.                

The 2023 Farm Bill Reauthorization Priorities include supporting production agriculture, improving voluntary conservation programs, enhancing forest health and active management, strengthening rural communities through development.

The group Protect Ag Conservation is a coalition of 644 businesses, farms and groups led by the National Wildlife Federation and dedicated to empowering American agriculture to lead on climate. According to the nonprofit group American Stewards of Liberty, the Biden administration is pushing to redefine the purpose of conservation programs and increase landowner participation in those programs. Protect Ag Conservation is fighting to secure $20 billion in funding for conservation programs in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Over the past two years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has actively encouraged landowners to enroll in conservation programs, aiming to establish a federal connection that could potentially lead to restrictions on agricultural activities and land use in the future, American Stewards said. Additionally, Democrats in Congress successfully modified the purpose of these programs in the recent $20 billion authorization, emphasizing their role in addressing the climate crisis. This has raised concerns about the potential impact on private land ownership and food security.    

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