Alpine School District under fire for Title IX violations, Enters resolution agreement

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Alpine School District under fire for Title IX violations, Enters resolution agreement

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education has found that the Alpine School District in Utah failed to properly investigate allegations of employee-to-student and student-to-student sexual assaults, leaving students at risk. In response to these findings, the district has entered into a resolution agreement to ensure compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

"Alpine School District in Utah has entered into a resolution agreement to ensure the district’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972," stated the OCR.

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon expressed concern over the district's failure to meet its Title IX obligations and operate a noncompliant system for responding to sex discrimination in its schools. She emphasized that the resolution agreement will compel the district to provide a safe learning environment for its over 81,000 students.

OCR's investigation revealed multiple instances where the district discriminated against students based on sex by inadequately responding to reports of sexual assault by both employees and students. The district also lacked coordination in its responses through its Title IX coordinators, among other violations.

Several incidents highlighted the district's failure to fulfill its Title IX obligations. In one case from 2018, a teacher performed a sexual act on a student but was allowed to resign without any Title IX investigation. In another case from 2019, a teacher allegedly inappropriately touched and kissed multiple students but retired without facing repercussions.

OCR also raised concerns about the district's responses to off-campus sexual harassment affecting the school climate, inadequate training for employees responsible for Title IX compliance, and poor record-keeping practices.

As part of the resolution agreement, Alpine School District is committed to a series of corrective actions. These include ensuring Title IX coordination, revising policies, disseminating a notice of nondiscrimination, training staff and students, and conducting school climate surveys, among other measures. The agreement also mandates the review of past incidents and the improvement of record-keeping systems to ensure accurate reporting.

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