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Omer Kanat, Executive Director of the UHRP | UHRP website

Commemoration marks 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre


On June 4, 2024, a joint statement was issued to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. The statement recalls the events of 1989 when the Chinese government used military force against its own citizens in Beijing. Protestors advocating for freedom and opposing corruption were met with violence as tanks rolled into the city.

The statement emphasizes that while the Chinese government has attempted to erase these events from history, individuals continue to remember and commemorate despite risks of consequences and imprisonment. It honors those who persist in keeping the memory alive amidst censorship and repression.

Particular mention is made of the Tiananmen Mothers, families of victims who have sought justice for 35 years despite facing harassment and police surveillance. This year, they were prevented from gathering to commemorate the anniversary. The international community is urged to support their efforts.

In Hong Kong, annual commemorations have faced increased suppression since 2019. Human rights defender Chow Hang-tung and organizers of the June Fourth Vigil are currently imprisoned for their beliefs. College student Zeng Yuxuan was also imprisoned for planning to display a commemorative banner and has since disappeared in Mainland China.

The statement reflects on how the events of 1989 marked a pivotal point for China, where a peaceful protest was met with violent repression by the government. Over the past 35 years, political prisoners have increased as dissent is viewed as a threat by the Communist Party of China (CCP).

It criticizes democratic countries like the United States for prioritizing trade and investment over human rights following the massacre, thereby emboldening further repression by the CCP against Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Hong Kong residents.

The signatories conclude by affirming their commitment to continue fighting for a future where human rights are respected in China.

Signatories include:

- Amigos del Tíbet – Colombia


- Associations France-Tibet

- Australia Tibet Council

- Campaign for Uyghurs

- Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong (CSHK)

- China Aid Association

- Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance

- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation

- Comité de Apoyo al Tíbet (CAT), Spain

- Free Tibet

- Free Tibet Fukuoka

- Germany stands with Hong Kong

- Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete - Portugal

... [and others]