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Chinese media experts launch new manifesto on Tiananmen anniversary


On the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen, Circle 19 group launches landmark manifesto for the right to information in China

Jun 4, 2024

In the spirit of resistance that has persisted 35 years after the Tiananmen movement, the Circle 19 independent group of Chinese media experts, supported by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), has published a new Statement of Principles. This manifesto outlines the importance of the right to information as an integral part of Chinese legacy and urges support for this vital right in the People’s Republic of China.

On June 4, Circle 19 for the Right to Information in China released its Statement of Principles. The document reaffirms support for the effective exercise of the right to information in China, a right central to the demands of the Tiananmen movement that was suppressed in June 1989 by the Chinese regime.

The Statement of Principles emphasizes that the right to information is crucial for China's future development and has been endorsed by RSF and 52 other NGOs.

Circle 19 participant Chang Ping, award-winning journalist and curator of the June 4th Museum of Memory and Human Rights, expects “to tackle the CCP’s propaganda machine and make a significant contribution to change in China.” Xiao Qiang, founder and director of China Digital Times, states that “the world must oppose the denial of citizens’ right to information in China that strips them of their dignity.”

Circle 19 is composed of around 30 media practitioners and experts from both the Chinese diaspora and international community. The group advocates for information rights based on Chinese intellectual sources. “Circle 19” refers to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrines freedom of opinion and expression. In September 2023, Circle held its inaugural symposium in Paris.

Through its manifesto, Circle aims to inspire academics, human rights advocates, and policymakers. The long-term objective is to empower Chinese citizens with intellectual resources related to their right to information.

China ranks at number 172 out of 180 countries on RSF’s World Press Freedom Index for 2024. It remains one world's largest jailers journalists with at least currently detained.

List NGOs think tanks endorsing Circle's Statement Principles:

- Amigos del Tíbet – Colombia

- ARTICLE Asia Freedom Institute

- Australia Tibet Council

- Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong

- China Against Death Penalty (CADP)

- Change Digital Times (CDT)

- Civic IDEA Coalition Students Resisting CCP

- Coalition Women Journalism Campaign For Uyghurs Center Uyghur Studies Comité Apoyo al Tíbet (CAT), Spain Committee Freedom Hong Kong Foundation Doublethink Lab Étudiants pour un Tibet Libre Freedom House Free Friends Foundation India Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (The Society Threatened Peoples Germany) Global Alliance Persecuted Minorities GreatFire Grupo Apoio Tibete Portugal Hong Kong Committee Norway Democracy Council Media Overseas Watch Human Rights Foundation Rights China (HRIC) Humanitarian India Friendship Manch Nagpur Maharashtra Society NAGPUR Institute Democratic Transition International Service ISHR Network Lady Liberty Norwegian Reporters Without Borders Safeguard Defenders Santa Barbara Swedish Tibetan Friendship Association Action Support Group Ireland Committee Denmark Solidarity Uyghur Project UHRP V-TAG Austria Viet Tan Women Press World Congress