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Omer Kanat, Executive Director of the UHRP | UHRP website

Uyghur Human Rights Project updates misconduct investigation policies


The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) has provided an update on its handling of misconduct allegations and the policy measures it has taken to ensure a safe and welcoming workplace for all. The UHRP reiterates its zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behavior or harassment and commits to high ethical standards for both leadership and staff. The organization remains steadfast in its dedication to providing a positive environment for women and activists involved in the Uyghur human rights movement.

To address these concerns, the UHRP has established a joint committee composed of board members and staff to conduct new independent investigations into ethical and misconduct issues. These new policy measures will receive and investigate any allegations against the organization, including those involving board members, management, employees, volunteers, consultants, and contractors. The goal is to provide high-standard safeguards that allow individuals to report any misconduct or ethical issues safely. This process aims at timely damage control and appropriate crisis response and accountability.

With the assistance of partners, the UHRP has also appointed a committee consisting of joint board members and staff to review existing ethical guidelines and complaint policies. The objective is to identify deficiencies in current procedures, develop improved processes that enable individuals to raise concerns safely, ensure complaints are addressed promptly, and establish accountability within the UHRP's operational standards.

Establishing these new policy measures based on best practices involves significant effort; substantial time and resources have been invested to ensure their successful implementation. The UHRP extends sincere gratitude to its partners and all those who share their concerns, reaffirming that harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate or hostile behaviors will not be tolerated in either the workplace or the human rights field.