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OPINION: Embracing Taiwan to ensure peace, prosperity, and democracy


Taiwan is a free and democratic nation, which is evident to any American who spends time in both Taiwan and China. The differences in culture, governance, and daily life make clear that these are distinct nations. 

Taiwan’s thriving system challenges China’s Communist Party claims that ethnically Chinese people are unsuited for democracy. The Taiwanese people are in fact flourishing under a democratic system they created from the ground up after the civil war that split China and created the island nation in 1949.

 America has a steadfast partner in Taiwan, and an obligation to help the nation remain a beacon of peace, prosperity, and freedom in the region. Any attack or extensive pressure on Taiwan by China could have catastrophic effects on the U.S. economy and our national security. 

Militarily, Taiwan is strategically vital to the U.S. Maintaining Taiwan's independence helps prevent China from dominating the Indo-Pacific region and threatening U.S. allies like Japan and South Korea. The island’s strategic position is also crucial to U.S. military strategy in the Pacific, acting as part of the "first island chain" to contain Chinese naval expansion.

Taiwan is also a crucial economic partner, especially as the largest producer of the advanced computer chips that are critical for U.S. and global industries. Supporting Taiwan helps the U.S. maintain a technological edge over China in critical areas and ensures the stability of global supply chains.

It would be dangerous to avoid close collaboration between America and Taiwan. Diplomatically, the U.S. government should give Taiwan the same recognition and privileges it provides to other democratic countries. 

Taiwan should also be included in joint military exercises with the United States and other Pacific allies. Establishing a joint military command that includes Taiwan and our nearest allies would strengthen our collective security.

For Taiwan’s part, it should make it easier for American companies and individuals to do business there by more fully embracing free-market capitalism. Market reforms will bolster Taiwan’s economy and security more effectively than any trade agreement or other half-measures. 

Strengthening ties between our Democracies will enhance economic and national security for both nations. It is also the safest, most affordable, and most effective way to guard these interests against China’s designs for the region and the world.


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