The U.S. Department of Defense hosted the Climate and Defense Summit of the Americas at the U.S. Naval Academy on August 22-23, 2024. Senior leaders from across the Western Hemisphere gathered to address defense and security challenges posed by climate change and to enhance regional collaboration.
Pentagon Spokesman Lt. Col Devin T. Robinson provided a readout emphasizing that climate change is an existential threat to national security. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks stated, "None of us can tackle the climate challenge alone. We have a better chance of tackling the threat when we find ways to confront it together."
The summit concluded a series of regional events held in partnership with defense and security agencies, convening military leaders, civilian officials, scientists, emergency response experts, and representatives from non-governmental organizations. These discussions highlighted how climate change increasingly impacts military readiness, operational capabilities, and infrastructure resilience—necessitating immediate coordinated action across the region.
"Climate change is reshaping our strategic landscape, requiring dynamic responses and strengthened partnerships to ensure our forces are prepared for the challenges while fostering a resolute commitment to partnership across the Americas to strengthen readiness and regional response mechanisms," said Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs Rebecca Zimmerman. She added that their "commitment to enhancing climate adaptation and resilience extends by, with, and through international collaboration."
Discussions focused on integrating resilience into defense planning, resource allocation, operations, and security cooperation to ensure sustained readiness. Strategies were explored for building climate-resilient military forces, operations, and infrastructure; utilizing advanced data analytics for decision-making; and strengthening the critical role of defense forces in disaster preparedness and response.
These discussions will continue during the Climate and Environmental Challenges from a Defense Perspective Working Committee at the upcoming Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas ministerial in Argentina in October 2024.
For more information: and Spotlight: Tackling the Climate Crisis.