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Michael S. Regan, EPA Administrator | https://www.bgca.org/

EPA partners with Three Rivers on initiative against lead contamination


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a collaboration with the city of Three Rivers, Michigan, to identify and replace drinking water lead pipes as part of the Get the Lead Out Initiative. This initiative is funded by the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, aiming for 100% lead service line replacement nationwide. The program will provide technical assistance to approximately 200 communities across the country.

Lead consumption in drinking water poses serious health risks, including irreversible brain development harm in children. To address this, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocates $15 billion for lead pipe replacement and nearly $62 million specifically for Michigan this year. An additional $11.7 billion has been allocated to the General Supplemental Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for similar purposes.

Many underserved communities lack resources to plan and access federal investments for lead pipe replacement. The Get the Lead Out Initiative aims to ensure these communities are not left behind.

“President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is driving historic levels of funding to replace lead service lines in communities like Three Rivers across the country,” said Region 5 Administrator Debra Shore. “EPA is using every tool available, including regulation, funding, and this technical assistance initiative, to get the lead out of the nation’s drinking water once and for all.”

Senator Debbie Stabenow highlighted Michigan's familiarity with lead pipe dangers: “This critical partnership between the EPA and Three Rivers will help identify and replace lead pipes so that families don’t have to question whether their water is safe to drink. We’re making important progress to protect our drinking water thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.”

Eric Oswald from Michigan's Department of Environment expressed gratitude for federal funding aiding cities statewide in meeting aggressive targets for lead service line removal: “We’re looking forward to working with city officials and our colleagues at US EPA on the Get the Lead Out Initiative.”

Three Rivers City Manager Joseph A. Bippus emphasized community commitment: “We recognize this is a historical problem and will take time and resources to overcome but we are committed to reaching our goal to get the lead out!”

Under this initiative, EPA will assist Three Rivers in identifying lead pipes, developing replacement plans, increasing community outreach efforts, and applying for funding. These efforts aim to achieve 100% lead-free pipes.

EPA estimates around 9 million lead service lines remain nationwide. Communities seeking assistance can request it via EPA’s WaterTA website.

Signed into law in 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides a historic $50 billion investment in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, dedicating significant funds towards replacing lead service lines. The EPA aims to ensure equitable access through its Water Technical Assistance programs like Get the Lead Out Initiative.

The initiative forms part of a broader government effort tackling lead exposure by removing barriers to pipe replacement through tools and case studies shared among agencies, state programs, water system managers, and community leaders.