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Bowles Farming CEO touts benefits of California-grown garlic over Chinese product, 'People need to know where their food is coming from and who is producing it'

The president and CEO of a family owned and operated farming operation located near Los Banos in California’s Central Valley is reminding people that imported garlic from China is inferior to garlic grown in California.

Yates: 'United States must begin shifting vital supply chains away from China'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's recent trip to Taiwan sparked a series of military exercises from China, but Washington officials have indicated the ballistic missile test launches do not necessarily mean China will try to forcibly takeover Taiwan in the near future.

Victims of Communism, allies as feds to impose Magnitsky sanctions on CCP officials implicated by the Xinjiang Police Files

We, the 56 undersigned organizations dedicated to human rights in China and to the plight of persecuted ethno-religious groups in the Uyghur Region, urge you to sanction all Chinese officials responsible for the genocide in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), also known as East Turkistan.

56 organizations call for sanctions on CCP officials implicated in the Xinjiang Police Files

Evidence from the Xinjiang Police Files implicated four high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members in the extermination of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Turkic minorities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

Glaser: China is trying ‘to change the status quo’

Some people in China reportedly feel House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to Taiwan crossed a line.

Pelosi's Taiwan visit 'one mosaic stone in broader constellation' of U.S.-China relations

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) recent trip to Taiwan might have triggered a show of military strength and presidential rebuff from China, but it's unlikely the Communist country will make aggressive moves against Taiwan or the U.S. anytime soon, according to multiple sources.

Senator Blackburn: 'Ban the CCP from buying U.S. farmland'

U.S. Sen. Blackburn attacked the Democratic Party for not doing enough to keep the CCP out of American agriculture

Rep. Herrell: 'We must counter China's dangerous behavior'

Rep. Yvette Herrell, (R-NM), said the Countering Communist China Act is necessary to stop China from continuing to take advantage of the United States.

Rep. Herrell: 'Americans ... understand it is vital' for U.S. to stand up to China

U.S. House Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-New Mexico) and 53 fellow Republican House members have cosponsored a bill intended to confront the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party for "malign influence and theft."

'Moral obligation': Rep. Greg Murphy pushing bill that would force universities to pull investments out of Chinese companies

Legislation now before a U.S. House committee would discourage universities from rewarding endowments to Chinese companies and others from countries considered hostile

Saphier: 'Taiwan tried to warn us' about the COVID-19 virus

Taiwan tried to warn the world about COVID-19's transmissibility but China suppressed that information, according to a New Jersey radiologist.

Herrell: U.S. 'cannot trust the corrupt authoritarians running China'

Rep. Yvette Herrell, R-N.M., said she introduced two bills that would prevent American tax dollars from funding Chinese research projects.

Warner: 'We should be seriously concerned about Chinese investment in locations close to sensitive sites'

Fufeng USA, a subsidiary of Chinese-owned Fufeng Group Ltd, recently announced plans to construct a corn milling plant on 370 acres of land near Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota, sparking concerns about national security and the environment.

'Too horrible to contemplate': Zhang Haitao sends suspicious letter from prison

(Xinjiang, China—August 2, 2022) After four years of preventing his family from meeting with him and denying correspondence for two years, Zhang’s family recently received another letter from Zhang in prison.

Rep. Banks introduces bill to protect American IP from CCP

Today, Congressman Jim Banks introduced the Preventing PLA Acquisition of United States Technology Act of 2022 to prevent any federally funded U.S. research from being shared or conducted jointly with Chinese entities that participate in the Chinese Communist Party’s Military Civil-Fusion strategy.

Foote: 'A forced labor import ban is only effective if at least a plurality of the major consumer markets of the world are aligned'

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act is an excellent concept with possibly very harmful consequences for U.S. companies, according to an analyst on U.S. Customs subjects.

Rogers: China's 'ravenous' spy network 'will do anything' to help Beijing

Former Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said the United States needs to engage in counterintelligence to combat Chinese espionage efforts, following a report by Republicans alleging the Chinese government targeted the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Newly enacted Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act 'sending shockwaves through the global economy' will get China's attention, Sen. Rubio says

The bipartisan Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act became effective earlier this week and one of its sponsors, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, wasted no time pointing out which companies will be most strung by the legislation

China-based hacker charged with exploiting firewall vulnerabilities worldwide

A federal court in Hammond, Indiana, has unsealed an indictment against Guan Tianfeng, a Chinese national, for allegedly conspiring to hack firewall devices globally in 2020.