An Alaska Airlines flight takes to the skies in Las Vegas. | Twitter/Jet Photos

FAA to install weather reporting stations in Alaska

The Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has begun installing eight new Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) across Alaska to provide real-time weather conditions to pilots before they take flight.

The FAA said the systems can provide continuous, accurate weather information in remote areas, according to a March 1 press release.

“We heard from the Alaska aviation community that they need more real-time weather information to operate safely, and we are delivering on the commitment we made to provide that,” FAA Administrator, Steve Dickson, said in the release.

Having access to the most up to date weather conditions will allow pilots to conduct takeoffs and landings safely, the release stated. This comes as the FAA released recommendations last fall to increase safety in Alaska after a yearlong examination of safety challenges.

Among other recommendations, the Alaskan aviation community told the FAA that additional weather information for pilots was a necessity, according to the FAA Alaska Aviation Safety Initiative report.

Weather stations are required throughout Alaska because 83% of the state is only accessible by plane and many native and rural communities would have no contact with the world without planes, the release stated.

The weather stations are expected to be operational in October, according to the FAA.

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