C&T Subcommittee Chair Latta Opening Statement at Subcommittee Markup of 13 Bipartisan Bills

Bob Latta | Subcommittee on Communications and Technology

C&T Subcommittee Chair Latta Opening Statement at Subcommittee Markup of 13 Bipartisan Bills


Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Bob Latta (R-OH) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee markup of 13 bills.

Excerpts and highlights below:


“We will be considering 13 pieces of legislation that will promote innovation and security in our communications networks.

“I would like to thank members on both sides of the aisle for their work to make the legislation for today’s markup bipartisan.”


“We will begin by considering five pieces of satellite legislation that take steps to update regulations that govern our satellite communications systems.

“First, we will consider the Satellite and Telecommunications Streamlining Act, legislation introduced by the Chair of the full committee, to establish a streamlined framework for the Federal Communications Commission to license commercial satellite communications services.

“Additionally, we will be considering the Secure Space Act, legislation introduced by the Ranking Member of the full committee to ensure satellite technologies that serve American homes and businesses will not pose an unacceptable risk to our national security.

“We will also consider H.R. 682, the Launch Communications Act, led by the gentlemen from Florida’s 9th and 2nd districts.

“This bill would streamline the process for receiving authorization to use spectrum for launch and re-entry of commercial space vehicles.

“Next, we will consider the ALERT Parity Act, legislation introduced by Representatives Johnson and Schrier that would require the FCC to establish a process for emergency connectivity service providers who seek approval to provide lifesaving emergency alerts and 9-1-1 from satellites in areas without connectivity.

“Finally, we will examine my legislation, the Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act, which I am pleased to have introduced with the gentlelady from Illinois’ 2nd district.

“This legislation would require the FCC to review its rules governing certain satellite services and determine if changes to those rules would promote precision agriculture.”


“In addition to the satellite legislation, there are eight bills on today’s agenda that will improve the security of our communications networks and supply chains as well as improve America’s wireless leadership.

“The NTIA Policy and Cybersecurity Coordination Act, led by the gentleman from Utah, would codify and rename the office of Policy Analysis and Development at NTIA to strengthen the agency’s policy development and coordination mission.

“The ICT Strategy Act, led by the gentleman from Pennsylvania’s 13th district would direct NTIA to report on the state of economic competitiveness of trusted vendors in the communications supply chain.

“The American Cybersecurity Literacy Act, introduced by the gentleman from southern California, would require NTIA to develop and conduct a cybersecurity literacy act to improve Americans’ understanding of common cybersecurity risks.

“The Open RAN Outreach Act, led by Representatives Allred and Hudson, would direct NTIA to conduct outreach to small communications network providers to raise awareness about Open RAN networks.

“The Communications Security Act, led by Representatives Slotkin and Walberg, would codify the communications security, reliability, and interoperability advisory council at the FCC.

“This body would advise the commission on recommendations to improve the security, reliability, and resiliency of communications networks.

“The Promoting U.S. Wireless Leadership Act, led by the gentleman from Michigan’s 5th district and the gentlelady from Michigan’s 6th District, would require NTIA to encourage participation in wireless standards setting bodies.

“This legislation has passed the House of Representatives the past two Congresses, and it is time for it to get signed into law.

“The ITS Codification Act, led by the gentleman from Georgia’s 1st district, would codify the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, which plays an important role in supporting the technical work impacting spectrum policy decisions.

“Finally, we will be considering the Spectrum Coordination Act, introduced by the gentleman from Ohio’s 12th district, which would require the FCC and NTIA to continue updating its memorandum of understanding on coordination of federal spectrum management activities.

“I would like to thank the members for their hard work on these measures, and I look forward to advancing them swiftly to the full committee.”

Original source can be found here.


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