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Jason Matheny, president of RAND Corporation | X/JasonGMatheny/photo

RAND Corporation calls for US to reenforce Arctic territories as Chinese involvement increases

The RAND Corporation, in a recently published commentary, urged the U.S. military to bolster its defenses in the Arctic regions. This call to action follows increasing Chinese activity in the Arctic area.

According to the commentary, penned by RAND's Senior Engineer Scott Savitz and Adjunct Senior Physical Scientist Abbie Tingstad, it is crucial for the United States to reinforce and secure its territories in the Arctic region. Although this region has remained peaceful since the end of the Cold War, Savitz and Tingstad emphasized that the United States must be prepared for potential conflicts that could erupt rapidly, given recent global events in Ukraine and Israel.

The authors stressed that securing the Arctic is primarily necessitated by heightened activity from both Russia and China in this region. Prior to its conflict with Ukraine, Russia had increased its Arctic presence by reopening bases, intensifying military exercises, and deploying additional forces supported by over 50 polar icebreakers - a number surpassing all other nations. In contrast, currently, the United States possesses only two icebreakers.

The commentary also noted China's expanded presence in the Arctic. Presenting itself as a "near-Arctic state," China has been actively collecting Arctic data through polar icebreakers and investing in properties across Greenland, Europe, and Siberia. Despite advocating for shared global access to the Arctic, China’s collaboration with Russia has deepened, as evidenced by joint naval operations near Alaska and a recent maritime law enforcement agreement - part of China's broader strategy to expand its influence in this region.

Savitz and Tingstad highlighted challenges hindering effective U.S. military operations in the Arctic. These obstacles stem mainly from limited U.S assets currently deployed in this area. Additionally, specialized capabilities are required due to adverse environmental impacts on operational systems such as fuel gelling, material breakage, lubricant freezing, and battery failures. Harsh environmental conditions, vast distances, limited infrastructure, and unique electromagnetic effects pose further challenges to Arctic operations, making survival and communication difficult for individuals and equipment not designed for this environment.

The commentary underscored the homeland security responsibilities of the United States in its Arctic territory. The region is home to thousands of American residents and is a significant source of the nation's seafood, oil, zinc, and other resources. It also plays a crucial role in maritime routes as sea ice recedes during certain periods of the year.

The authors advocated for the United States to not only increase its Arctic-specific equipment but also enhance its training and tactics, emulating those of Canada and Scandinavian allies. They also called for an improvement in Arctic infrastructure such as icebreakers, a deepwater port in Nome, and personnel training for Arctic conditions. While acknowledging that maintenance requirements will be higher due to the harsh environment, they asserted that these steps are necessary for the U.S. military to be better prepared to deter potential threats and protect national interests.

As stated on its website, the RAND Corporation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving policy and decision-making through research and analysis. Operating independently from political influence, RAND seeks solutions to public interest issues in a nonpartisan manner.

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